What Comes Next?

Studying abroad was never really even a part of the plan, not that I ever really had much of one. I knew I would end up in college somewhere after high school, but truly, that was the extent to which I knew where my life was headed. My first year of college, although I hadn't laid out any thoughts for how it would go, was much different than I'd believed it would be. With constant assignments, a demanding work schedule, and trying to balance a decent social life, everything became very overwhelming very quickly. When studying abroad was suggested to me, I thought of it as a kind of escape from the hectic life I was living. Little did I know it would end up being so much more than that. About two and a half weeks ago, only a few weeks into the semester at the time, we left Olomouc for our second class trip to Rome. A hop, a skip, and a jump later, or rather, a tram, train, subway, plane, and another tram later, we arrived and checked into our hotel of the next few days. We all...