Live A Little

I like to have some control over most situations I get myself into. Times, dates, what will be required of me when I get there... those are usually things I like to have the answer to. Recently, however, I have been trying to let go a little bit, letting fate have its chance and not forcing anything to come my way. In the past, when I have allowed myself to loosen my reigns a bit, it has proved to be a more than profitable situation for me, and this weekend wasn't any different.

Picture this: it's after midnight this past Thursday night. For the past couple of weeks, you and your friends had known you had one more free weekend, had researched places to your heart's content, and had said "yeah, let's book it," more times than you can count, and yet, your efforts proved less than fruitful. At this very last opportunity, you take the trip that's handed to you, and five hours later, you're on your way. 

That is exactly what happened this weekend. 

Personally, I had already given up on going anywhere else and had resigned myself to spending the weekend in Olomouc when Bailey came in, followed by Sheyenne, asking where we were spending our weekend. In one fail swoop, Sheyenne had my computer and was planning away, telling us not only where to go, but where to stay. 

And just like that, a few hours later, we're in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, checking into our hostel, The Wild Elephant. I had zero idea what the city had to offer, and with the last few hours being the whirlwind that they were, I hadn't even bothered to find out. Thankfully, however, the hostel had information on not only their own events, but free tours that were available as well. We made plans to attend the walking castle tour the next day, and went on the hostel's pub crawl that night.

The tour was unlike any we had yet to experience on this trip. The guide was relatable, entertaining, and presented facts in a way that didn't make me wish to leave. The only thing I would have changed maybe slightly was the weather, as it was exceptionally cold. The beautiful sights and his hospitality were almost enough to warm my heart, however, and his dinner suggestions finished the job. I couldn't have asked for a better day.

Again the following day, I allowed fate to take the wheel once again, and we ended up bussing out to Devon's Castle, a masterpiece of human creation and a view painted by God that I never would have witnessed without some prompting by Bailey and a perfectly timed bus ride. 

I am so grateful for the memories made within the confines of a weekend I had never expected. I guess that kind of just goes to show what can happen when you allow opportunity and experiences to come knocking, they really do open all kinds of doors that perhaps you never would have otherwise. from now on, I'll leave the doors unlocked, kick back, relax, and see where that can take me.


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