Five or so months ago when I was booking my plane tickets for this trip, I hadn't really even thought about how once I landed that first time in the Vienna airport, I'd be leaving the same airport a few months later as, in a sense, a world traveler. Widened perspectives, a camera roll full of amazing adventures. Considering all of this as I prepare to board my homeward flight, right back where this all began, is mind-boggling. Three months has come and gone, but it certainly felt like a lifetime.

Vienna, as a city, had so much to offer, and our time there, while brief, was well spent. We saw beautiful artwork, a Natural History Museum I would compare to the Smithsonian, and ended our adventures as a group with mulled wine and good times in the famous Vienna Christmas Markets. It felt strange to be saying goodbye. The last few months felt like a whirlwind, but at the same time, looking back, we really have experienced so much. Hell, I've been to eleven countries. Can't say I ever thought I would do that!
At this point, though, I have reached the point where I am beyond ready to come home. I have seen and experienced so many wonderful things, and for that I am extraordinarily grateful. I simply cannot wait, however, to be back home where everything is familiar. Where I can greet my family after my long journey and settle in at home with a cup of hot chocolate and some Christmas movies. Where on Monday, I will be reunited with my loving, supportive, and incredible boyfriend. Where I can make decisions about where and when I'm going places and not have to rely on buses and trains, tram and plane schedules. I am ready to return to this old, new life.

Before this trip, I had decided to do something I'd been thinking about for awhile. At the beginning of 2019, I got my first tattoo on my right foot with the phrase "Keep Moving Forward." While the story behind that one is uniquely its own, there was something else I knew I wanted on my body. There's a Billy Joel song called "Vienna," (I know, how fitting), and I am in love with the lyrics of the masterpiece. Without writing out the entire song, let's just say it gives off a very peaceful, be-content-with-your-current-life kind of vibe. Knowing I would be in the city the song was named after provided the perfect instance for me to get inked once more, and I am absolutely satisfied with my decision. The line from the song, "Vienna waits for you," is significant in a lot of ways. To me, it means slow down, look around, and take in each moment as it comes. It means there may be a lot of things you plan to do, but for right now, take it one step at a time. There's no phrase, no song, quite like this one that I have personally ever heard, and if you haven't, please, be my guest. This song means the world to me, and its connection to this trip and my life will never be forgotten.
So with that, this blog and this trip have come to an end. If you are ever given the opportunity to travel around Europe, I'd have to say I highly recommend it. (London was my favorite). Whatever it is you're doing right now, however, be satisfied with that. It's alright to make plans; it's no big deal if you long for something more, but never forget to live in the moment and give yourself the fullest feeling of pease and satisfaction with life you can. Basically, remember that "Vienna waits for you."
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